IWWF 1st Asia & Oceania Cable Wakeboard & Wakeskate Championships Day 3

Sunday, October 25, 2015
Posted by Chris


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The inaugural IWWF Asia & Oceania Cable Wakeboard & Wakeskate Championships came to an exciting conclusion on Sunday 25th October 2015. First off the AO U19 Junior Ladies and Men Finals, Gabby Gabrielle (AUS) took the Ladies’ title ahead of Nadya Sinagai of Indonesia with Akela Bowman  (TPE) 3rd. Blake Muller  (AUS) took the junior Men’s title beating off the challenge  of both Kwon Junyeop (KOR) and  Patrick Klug (TPE).

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The wind pricked-up for the start of the AO Cable Wakeskate competition but in a reversal of fortunes it was Susan Larsson (PHI) who took the title from Asian Champion Tulip Tadtiam (THA) with Hsien  Ying Yeh 3rd. The competition was especially close between Obi Cembrano (PHI) and Cody Murphy (AUS) in the Men’s Cable Wakeskate  with Murphy taking the honours by the narrowest of margins.  Burid Detwilaisiri (THA) finished 3rd.

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 Despite an early fall in his first ride in the AO Men’s 30+ Cable Wakeboard Championship Carlo Dela Torre completed a stand-up pass on his final run to take the title ahead of Shi Ping-Lien (TPE) and Sam Cheng  (TPE).


Competion was again particularly close in the AO Ladies Cable Wakeboard event with Ho Chao-Ching taking 2nd place ahead of Shannon Teng by just 0.33 of a point while Megumi Tomabechi (JPN) took top honours by just 3 points.

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Some thrilling and spectacular riding by the men in the finals of the AO Cable Wakeboard Men’s event  saw Ken Tackmann (THA)  finish in 3rd place with 73.33, Im San (KOR) 2nd with 78 and Scotty Wilkings taking the champion title  with 79.67.

After the individual awards ceremony at the site, a closing dinner followed where the team awards were presented with the Philippines 3rd, Chinese Taipei 2nd and Australia 1st.

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The Lotus Wake Park, the Chinese Taipei Waterski & Wakeboard Association and all officials and riders are to be congratulated on making the event such a huge success.   
